Up at 6 after a restless night- warm oatmeal ,fresh fruit at the van in the parking lot. The big weigh in- only 3 lbs. over and she let it slide - whew! 8am group take off, single file down the road to Dog Beach.Verklempt the whole way!! Foo , Barney, Sheri and lot of family/friends of the group meet us there. Photo opps galore, paparazzi all around for the rear tire dip in the PACIFIC!!!!
We start the ride, have a Sag stop in a lovely county park at 12 miles, master a few hills and make it to Alpine by 2 pm-logging in 34 miles. Weather was fantastic 45 at the beginning of the day and and shot up to 63,sun, not much wind. Talk of rain and wind tomorrow but we will deal with that then. We have begun! Foo in Alpine tonight to visit Rocky so I get to see him for dinner tonight and then another send off tomorrow
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