Thursday, March 18, 2010

REST DAY # 2 Silver City, NM 3/18

Began our restful, warm, sunny Silver City day with bike cleaning and a derailleur and shifting lesson by Carol which leads me to my next profile...
Carol , from Washington, our guide and bike mechanic guru, 24 year Navy veteran and the woman who keeps us all in line- well someone has to! She is a real biker and knows everything there is to know and she helps us with bike questions constantly. What I think she is really doing is slowly and subtly pushing us to more and more independence when dealing with our bikes. She is giving us the confidence to figure it out for ourselves. My goal after this trip is to never bring my bike to a bike shop to change a tire or clean my bike because I will know how to do it by then. She and Linda are on every detail and completely focused on safety. They won't let us depart in the mornings until the sun is up high enough to not be in drivers eyes so they can see us on the road. Great guides!
Today's high point was a massage at the local spa where the massage therapist kept exclaiming as she massaged me over tight, knotted up muscles and proclaimed at the end of the session that I had horribly tight gluts and I had better start stretching. Well,ok then! Another bike shop visit for a a minor detail and Mexican dinner with Katie and Patty at Jalisco Cafe. Thought we had all settled down when, led by ring leader Amy, we had a quick session of faux tattoo applications- whoa this group is getting out of hand!

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