Thursday, March 25, 2010

REST DAY Indian Lodge Fort Davis

Weds. 3/24

Oh what a beautiful rest day. Slept in, read leisurely, a casual breakfast , napping, yoga, bike cleaning, more reading and napping. A PERFECT day to introduce my biking buddies, Patti and Katie- both from Wisconsin- the midwest kids stick together . We started riding together early on, not sure how it happened but we are simpatico. At first we named ourselves the Low Riders, as compared to our High Flyers - the go fast girls who you will meet later. But since we have left California and Arizona behind, we feel that Team Sweep is more appropriate. We don't always leave last in the morning but we pretty much always arrive last in the evening but in the meantime, we have ridden the miles, taken many photos, stopped for lunch at some funky place, taken several stretch breaks (thank you Patti for starting that) and had a few laughs to top it all off. We have lots of fun together , help each other out with flats and ride to finish. I'm so lucky to have hooked up with these two jewels! Still can't figure out how to caption- That's Patti with her hand made quilt.


  1. You are definitely the cute three musketeers! You attract fun, adventurous friends, KK!! xo Joan

  2. Three cheers for Wisconsin! I like the agenda you three have settled into - lunch and photos in addition to the miles.

  3. Finally figured out how to comment. Sounds like everything is going great -- weather, hill-climbs, good meals, great buddies, and TAIL WINDS! What a trip, Kirby! We're just a bit green with envy.
